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Data-Aware Components

Data-aware components/controls

Data-aware components (with or without a visual look and feel) or Data-aware controls (with a visual look and feel) have the ability to read the value of a field from a database table or to enter a value in a database table field.

These components are connected to a data source using the corresponding property DataSource. Some of them relate to the entire dataset, such as the TDBGrid Control and TDBNavigator Control, while the others refer to a specific field of the data source, as indicated by the DataField property.

All the data-aware controls are counterparts to the standard controls - complemented with a few extra properties.

All the data-aware components share one common property: Data Source.

Data Source component

The DataSource component (a non-visual component) provides a mechanism to hook dataset components to the visual data-aware components that display the data. In general you will need one datasource component for each dataset component to present a link to one or more data-aware controls.

One of the advantages of this mechanism is the ability to change the dataset component(s) used on a form without changing the properties of the visual components used on that form.

Data Set component

A Data Set component (a non-visual component) is designed to retrieve, present and modify the data. This component can connect directly to the database. See TDataSet Component for general dataset properties, methods and events.

The following dataset components (derived from TDataSet) are provided: TxQuery Component, TxStoredProc Component.

The TxUpdateSQL@ component is provided as update object for the dataset components.

The following dataset components (derived from TDataSet) are provided: TIsahQuery Component, TIsahStoredProc Component, TIsahCDSQuery component.

The TIsahCDSSQLUpdateObject component, TIsahCDSStoredProcUpdateObject component are provided as update object for the TIsahCDSQuery component.

In this folder

TDBText Control

TDBEdit Control

TDBMemo Control

TDBRichEdit Control

TDBGrid Control

TDBListBox Control

TDBComboBox Control

TDBCheckBox Control

TDBRadioGroup Control

TDBLookupListBox Control

TDBLookupComboBox Control

TDBNavigator Control

TDataSource Component

Isah Data-Aware Controls

General Data-Aware Control Properties