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Look-up Scripts


The look-up script function relates to fields containing look-up boxes @ that allow users to zoom to a deeper level. When a user clicks the look-up icon , the List tab of the form to which you are zooming will be displayed. You can define custom look-up scripts to overrule the default lookup that is carried out. For example, you can define a custom look-up script that only retrieves a specific data set, or that presents a custom column set on the List tab of the form that is opened.

To Run A Look-Up Script

After linking your custom look-up to the look-up box concerned, users can carry out the custom lookup by holding down SHIFT while clicking . You can also run the look-up script by pressing ALT+UP ARROW.

Look-up Script Search Path

When a user chooses to run a custum lookup instead of the standard lookup, the program will use a search path to determine whether a look-up script has been specified for the look-up field concerned:

In this folder
