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Using COM events

In Isah scripting, COM events can be used in Edit and Wizard forms. You can create these forms by using:

Once you have created these forms, you can fill them with components, such as edit boxes, combo boxes, or checkboxes.

The following event handlers are available in the forms:

For each event type, you can create just one event handler per script. It will be triggered once the event is activated by one of the components on the form, if the component supports the event. The event handler must therefore be used for all components.

The event handler (a "Sub" in VBScript) must have a name with the following syntax: "IsahEvent_[event name]". Otherwise it will not be linked. Events have only one parameter: an ID representing the component that activates the event.

The following is an example of an OnClick event handler:

Sub IsahEvent_OnClick(aID)

MsgBox "you clicked component " & aID

End Sub