First specify the default values for the settings. To do so, click the buttons for Production module, Warehouse/Shipping module and Service module. For each function, a tab is displayed with the settings for the function concerned. This is where you enable the functions you will be using.
Once you have done so, you modify the function settings for each mobile device. Modify the settings if you do not want to use the default values. Do not forget to click the Save button on each tab after you have made changes in order to apply the changes.
You can modify the following settings to suit your needs:
You can disable a function completely or disable it for individual devices.
You can enter any description for a function in the Isah ML main menu. For example, you can change the text "Part issues from stock" into "Transfer material".
You can enter any dialog texts for the functions. For example, you could change the text "Enter production order number" into "Scan repair order".
If possible from a technical and functional point of view, you can enable or disable particular steps, such as the selection of the "Complete" check box in the Part issues function.
If possible from a technical and functional point of view, you can make certain fields mandatory.
You may change the order in which questions are asked within a function. It is also possible to combine fields by assigning the same question number to these fields. Isah ML will then expect two answers in one entry.
You can set a repeat for a particular function, to avoid having to retype data. The data entered before the repeat will then be copied automatically to the next entry. For function 1. Part issues from stock, for instance, you could scan the production order number once and then make four separate issues for this production order. The setting for the function 1. Part issues from stock will in this case be 'Repeat from part number'.
If required, you can set a fixed default value for particular fields. You could, for example, set a default service type for the Create service message function.