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The Isah Mobile Sync Service is a WCF.NET 3.5 service, and if WCF 3.5 is used with IIS 7 or IIS 7.5, WCF must be registered once. To register the service, start a command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator and execute the following command:

"%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe" -r -y

Now modify some of the settings in the Web.Config file of the Isah Mobile Sync Service. Open the Web.Config file in a text editor to modify it. The default path to the Web.Config file is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Isah Mobile Sync Services. Change the following data:

  1. Connection string for the database: Configure the SQL Server instance, the database name and the database login:
  2. Specify a user to be used by Isah Mobile Sync Service to access the Isah database:
  3. Enable logging if required: