If it is not yet installed, install the following software on the machine on which the Isah Migration Box has been installed:
Sybase Open Client
SQL Server Native Client.
This software is required in order to establish a connection with the database servers.
If the Isah Migration Box was installed on the same machine as the Sybase server, the Sybase Open Client is already installed. If the Isah Migration Box was installed on the same machine as the SQL Server, the SQL Server Native Client is already installed.
Install a free developer edition.
Choose ´All regions´ and agree to the license terms.
In the Isah Migration Box application menu, go to Project, Project Settings and configure the Dump Path. This is the folder that houses the supplied Sybase database dumps; the database server must be able to access it.
Install the supplied SSMA for Sybase 5.2, including the Extension Pack. Choose a 'Typical' installation for both installations. For the extension pack, deselect the Install Tester Database check box.
Check if the 'Sysdb' database has been created on the MS SQL Server. If it hasn't, the Extension Pack was not installed correctly. In this case, uninstall the Extension Pack, and then re-install it.
Note: If the Isah Migration Box was not installed on the same machine as the Microsoft SQL Server, you must also install the SSMA tool on the SQL Server.
Start SSMA. Make sure you choose the 32-bit version. The first time you start SSMA, you have to enter the path to the license file. The license file sybase-ssma.license can be found in the MigrationBox setup directory, subdirectory …\Software\SQL_Server_Migration_Assistant.
Choose Tools, Default Project Settings and choose the desired Migration Target Version: either SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2008.
Go to General, Conversion, System functions:
INDEX_COL function: set to 'Convert function'
INDEX_COLORDER function: set to 'Convert function'
If insufficient memory is available for the SSMA tool because the ASE server or the MS SQL server has allocated all RAM, the data migration process will be very slow. For instance, on an 8GB server you need to assign a maximum of 3 GB to ASE and a maximum of 2 GB to MS SQL Server. The OS also uses 1 GB, leaving 2 GB for the SSMA tool. On a 64-bit system, Sybase can allocate up to 4 GB. If MS SQL Server is not restricted, the server will use all available RAM.
MS SQL Server
From Management Studio, right-click the server and choose Properties.
In the Maximum server memory (in MB) field under the Memory item, type '2048' (for example).
Stop the Sybase SQLServer _ <ServerName> Sybase service.
In the Sybase directory, open the <ServerName>.cfg file.
Look for max memory. It shows the number of 2 KB reserved pages (2,000,000 pages of 2 KB is 4 GB). If you lower this number, you may also have to restrict the default data cache.