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SQL And ProgramCode Properties Code Snippet

'combines code snippet 1 and 2.

'The default preset retrieves all customers with an address in The Netherlands as in code snippet #1

'The other presets are the Customers form presets from code snippet #2.

Set Frm = IsahObjects.Get("InfoFormObject")

Frm.SQL = "Select CustId, CountryCode, Name, Addr, PostCode, City, Phone " & _

"From T_CustomerAddress Where CountryCode = 'NL' Order By Name"

Frm.KeyField = "CustId"

Frm.ProgramCode = 10000 'Customers

Frm.SetContextCodeKeyField 1, "CustId"

Frm.SetContextCodeKeyField 2, "CustId"


Set Frm = Nothing