Represents a beveled outline.
Use TBevel to create beveled boxes, frames, or lines. The bevel can appear raised or lowered.
TBevel Properties
Property Shape: Enumeration (bsBox, bsFrame, bsTopLine, bsBottomLine, bsLeftLine, bsRightLine, bsSpacer) (R/W)
Determines the shape of the bevel. Set Shape to specify whether the bevel appears as a line, box, frame, or space. For shapes that can appear either raised or lowered, the Style property indicates which effect is used. The default value for Shape is bsBox.
Property Style: Enumeration (bsLowered, bsRaised) (R/W)
Determines whether the bevel appears raised or lowered. Set Style to indicate whether the bevel should create a raised or a lowered effect. When the Shape property is bsBox, the entire client area appears raised or lowered. For all other values of Shape, the bevel displays a raised or lowered line along the edge or edges of the client area. The default value of Style is bsLowered.