Error Messages

This section provides common solutions to problems that you may encounter when using the Isah License Server.

The IP address of the license server has not been configured. Check the settings and restart.

Cannot connect to the license server. Please verify that the address IP ADDRESS:PORT is correct. [Code XXXX]

Cannot connect to the license server. Please update your current license server version. Your version of the license server is XXXX. Version YYYY or greater is required.

Your license has expired. Please contact Isah.

Database XXX is unknown to the license server.

Failed to connect to database: XX on server: YY

Failed to log on to license server. Contact your system administrator if this problem continues.

No licenses for this application are available on the license server.

Insufficient application rights on license server.

Unable to connect to the License Server

License Name Unknown

Time-out Error

User Name and Password Incorrect