1.1 Before You Begin

In order to perform the production migration, you require the same software that is needed for the test migration. For the purpose of this step-by-step description, we therefore assume that the following software has been installed:

If this software has not been installed, it should be installed (again). Refer to the test migration steps for more information.

On the Sybase side, no new customizations may be present or may have been introduced in the time between the test migration and the production migration.

Back-ups of the ASE and MS SQL Server conversion databases made after the test migration must be available. Also, there should be a back-up of the Isah database made after the test migration, containing all code repairs.

The setup of the following tables is restored in the test environment. This means that any changes to the data in these tables in the Sybase ASE database will be lost during the production migration.