Also release all underlying revisions
An engineering item revision can be released only if all items of the engineering BOM have been released. To release all revisions from the BOM during the execution of the process, select the Also release all underlying revisions check box.
Only allow last released revisions of underlying lines, Check button
Select the Only allow last released revisions of underlying lines check box to check whether the engineering BOM contains any engineering item revisions that have been released but are not the revisions most recently released. If the check box is selected and the engineering BOM contains revisions for which a more recent released revision exists, the selected engineering item revision will not be released. Click the Check button to view the BOM structure of the selected engineering item revision. BOM lines with the following icons require your attention:
Use the settings in the Synchronize section to indicate that the engineering item revision must be synchronized with the production file after it has been released. The other tabs of the form enable you to configure the synchronization settings.