1166 Release engineering item revision - Engineering status handling

If you have configured the settings on the General tab to synchronize the engineering item revision with production after the revision has been released, you can enter synchronization settings on the tab.

On the Engineering status handling tab, you can change the status of engineering items after synchronization with production. If you select the No status handling option, the statuses will remain unchanged.

When is a synchronization successful?

You can define statuses for successful and unsuccessful synchronizations. The synchronization will be regarded as successful if the following conditions are true:

Engineering item status for multiple linked production files

If an engineering item is linked to more than one production file, you can synchronize the production files one after the other. Each time you synchronize, the new engineering item status is determined if you have configured the status to be changed. Although it always concerns the same engineering item, the engineering item status can change when the next production file is synchronized: if the linked production file A has been synchronized successfully, the engineering item will get the status to be assigned after successful synchronization. If linked production file B is then synchronized and the synchronization is unsuccessful, the engineering item will get a different status: the status to be assigned after an unsuccessful synchronization. The engineering item status is always based on the last synchronization.