Use the Create financial analysis of sales offers and orders process to calculate the financial data of the selected sales offers and orders. The result of this calculation is displayed on the Financial analysis form.
Usually, the Create financial analysis of sales files process only calculates the items of current sales offers and orders, and their associated internal production files. A sales offer or sales order is 'current' when the file has not been finalized; an internal production file is 'current' when it has a status type other than 'History'. If you attempt to calculate the items of one finalized sales order or sales offer, or of one internal production file with a 'History' status type, a message will be displayed. If you have selected multiple finalized sales offers or sales orders, or multiple historical internal production files, no message will be displayed. Any non-current sales offers, sales orders and internal production files are skipped during the calculations, however.
Finalized files
It is very important that the items of both finalized sales offers and sales orders and internal production files with a 'History' status are not calculated again. The reasons for this are the following:
The items of both finalized sales offers and orders and internal production files with a 'History' status can be calculated only if you explicitly choose one or both of the following options on the processing form:
If you choose one or both of these options, a message will appear asking you to confirm that you want the items of non-current files to be calculated.
The first time you use this function, the items of the historical files have not yet been calculated. To register these data, you need to perform a one-time recalculation of the historical files.
Once you use an Isah version that offers the Create financial analysis for sales files functionality, the items of the files are calculated and registered when you:
Note: It is important that you finalize sales offers and orders and assign a 'History' status to internal production files once they have been dealt with. Not doing so will cause their items to be calculated each time you calculate the items in your current sales offers, sales orders and production files. As the number of 'old' offers, orders and production files increases, the process will become increasingly slower. Also, the calculations for files already dealt with are not performed just once and then registered, but they are calculated continuously using current prices, which means you cannot build a historic overview of these files.