Favorites are links to forms you open on a regular basis. After you have added a form, report or script to your Favorites, you can open it with a single mouse-click. Favorites are available from the main menu and on forms. To add, delete, or organize favorites, open the Favorites menu and select Organize favorites. You can also assign a shortcut key or an icon to a favorite so you can access a form even more quickly.
Adding favorites
From the main menu, right-click the form you want to add to your list of favorites.
Select 'Add to favorites'.
On the left-hand side of the Favorites form, select the menu item you want to add to your list of favorites.
Click to add the menu item.
Click OK to confirm the data.
Deleting favorites
Go to the list of favorites above the main menu, and right-click the form you want to delete from the list of favorites.
Select 'Delete'.
On the right-hand side of the Favorites form, select the menu item you want to delete from your list of favorites.
Click the Delete button or click to delete the menu item.
To remove all menu items from your list of favorites, click the icon.
Click OK to confirm the data.
Arranging favorites
On the right-hand side of the Favorites form, select the menu item you want to move up or down in your list of favorites.
Click the Up button to move the menu item up in the list, or click the Down button to move the item down in the list.
Click OK to confirm the data.
More options for favorites
On the right-hand side of the form, select the menu item to which you want to assign a shortcut key or icon, or the menu item you want to open automatically. Do one of the following, depending on your preference:
To assign an icon, click in the Icon field and then select an icon.
To assign a shortcut key, in the Shortcut key field, type a key combination that is not yet used in Isah. You could, for instance, type Ctrl+Q.
If you want the form to open automatically when you start up Isah, select the Auto-activate on opening application check box.