Windows icons
Minimize the active form. |
Maximize the active form. |
Close the active form. |
Main menu
Open a folder with data. Click the plus sign (+) or double-click the folder. |
Close the open folder. Click the minus sign (+) once, or double-click the folder. |
Open the file or the process. You can also click the name to the right of the icon. |
Entry form |
Explorer |
Process |
Overview |
Pivot table analysis |
Planning board |
The General toolbar has the following icons:
Activate the main menu |
Bring the current form to the front |
The Help toolbar has the following icons:
Open Isah Help |
Open context-specific Help, for example for a tab |
Open the job instructions specific for your company |
The List toolbar has the following icons and fields:
Go to first record |
Go to previous record |
Go to next record |
Go to last record |
Select the column you want to sort the records on (you can also click the column). |
This field is associated with the sorting field. Type data in this field to search within the sorting. |
Show the grouping box to which you drag the columns to sort on. |
Activate the filter form. |
Activate the AutoFilter to display a list box above each column in which you can select items. |
When the filter row is active, a field is displayed above each column by which data are filtered as you type. |
First select records using the mouse button, the SHIFT+mouse button, or the CTRL+mouse button, and then click this icon to display only the selected records. |
Use this function to apply formatting to the filtered records. For example, you could display all sales orders for which deliveries are required in the next two weeks in red. |
Expand the columns to show all column texts. |
The Transaction toolbar has the following icons:
Add a new record |
Enable or disable Edit mode |
Save new or changed data |
Delete selected record |
Cancel changes |
Copy data on form |
Refresh data on form |
The Reports toolbar has the following icons:
Display the print preview |
Open the current file in Excel |
Activate the pivot table functionality |