Linking project lines to production structures may result in duplicate links. Below you will find an example of this.
The subproject line has a link of type 'Production file'. The links to production file 1 and production file 3 have been added to the Order information link. Production file 3 is an underlying production file of production file 1, however. Three eights of the parts produced in production file 3 will be used in production file 1.
When you calculate the items of this project, the costs of that production file AND 3/8 of the costs of production file 3 should be taken into account for production file 1, and then production file 3 should be taken into account once again, because the project is also linked to production file 3. To avoid duplicate counts, the direct link between the project and production file 3 will, however, be ignored in this case. No such issues occur when viewing the planning, which means you can view all planning data originating from the links.
As a rule of thumb, if there is a link to a line already included in another line within the same project (for example, as an underlying production file), that line will be removed from the costs calculation. In this case, only the underlying line will be included in the calculation. In the example, this is production file 3 (or 3/8 of production file 3), because production file 3 is 'used' by production file 1. This means that for this costs calculation, the 'separate' line with the project link with production file 3 is ignored.