1247 Project lines - planning - Units/costs

This tab is divided into two sections: Units and Costs and revenues. Depending on your settings, however, the data in the different sections can influence each other. For more information about this, see the descriptions of the fields.

Estimate fields with the attribute S

Some of the fields in the Estimate column on the tab have the symbol S next to them. You cannot fill in an estimate field yourself if the S check box next to the field is selected. The values of fields with the S check box selected are calculated automatically by adding up the values of the corresponding fields on the project lines immediately below them (subprojects, actions, etcetera).

For each level you choose whether the underlying lines are to be added up.

Estimate fields controlling other fields

Sometimes you cannot fill in an estimate field yourself even if you deselect the S check box. The reason is that there are six of these fields belonging together, of which just one can be changed at a time. These fields are the following fields in the Estimate column:

  • Progress percentage (under Units)
  • Expected units
  • Unit forecast
  • Progress percentage (under Costs and revenues)
  • Expected costs
  • Costs forecast.

The settings of the Progress based on and Progress input field fields determine which of these fields is editable.

Example: Behavior of the Sigma feature

Order information

It is important to know that the Order information column can be filled with the correct data only if the project is linked to an order that contains the relevant information (for example, production files with calculation lines). If this link is not present or incomplete (for instance, because the project is linked to one production file for the order, and the order has two), the fields may be empty or have unrealistic values.

Also, in the Units section, the unit used in the underlying order must be the same as the unit set on the Units/costs tab. If the unit on the Units/costs tab is set to kilos, but the order units on the calculation lines are pieces, kilos and lengths, only the lines set to kilos can be added up. It is therefore important that you use the units consistently.

Examples: The Units/costs tab in practice

Example 1: Making rough calculations for a project

Example 2: Insight into the result forecast

Example 3: Project approaches completion



To the right of the name Units, you can see the unit you set in the Hour unit field or in the Other unit field.


Preliminary costing

Actual costing

Progress percentage

Expected units

Unit forecast

Result forecast

Hour unit, Other unit

Department, Capacity group, Rate


Progress based on, Progress input field

Costs and revenues


Preliminary costing

Actual costing


Progress percentage

Expected costs

Costs forecast

Sales sum


PR result

Result forecast

AC result


Date/time last calculated