Use this field to specify whether the working hours table contains fixed or variable working hours. The setting controls which fields must be filled in on the Working hours limits tab.
The working hours type determines how the start and end times on the working hour lines are to be specified.
You can choose from the following working hours types:
When you choose this type, you are required to specify exact working times when you enter a new hour line for this working hours table. Registering exact times means, for example, that an employee always works from 08:00 to 16:30. In this case, you would register that the employee worked on production order X from 08:00 to 10:00, and on the next hour line you would specify that he cleaned machine Y between 10:00 and 10:30. |
If you are using this type, you will register the actual hours worked. This means that an employee will account for the total number of hours he has worked, but does not have to specify the exact times he has worked. Entries in working hours tables of the 'Variable working hours' type may be made in total times or exact times. These entries are always processed in total time, however. In this context, 'total time' refers to entries such as 'Worked on production order Y for 2 hours', and 'Spent 0.5 hour cleaning machine Y'. Entries such as '12:00 to 13:15' are allowed, but will be processed as 'Worked for 1.25 hours'. The exact time of this entry will be included for information. In the case of variable working hours, hour lines with a 'Presence hours' or 'Absence registration' posting type are exceptions to the rule set out above. If exact start and end times are registered on such lines, the times will not be processed as total time. |
Note: If you then create the working hours table lines for a variable working hours table, you need to account for 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in the message 'No access' being displayed when clocking in.