Use the Reports form to add reports or to change existing reports.
Print preview and scripts usage
To see a print preview before you print the report, select the appropriate option in the Output field. Some of the scripts linked to the report are executed when you preview your report, while others are not:
The 'For selection', 'Code before' and 'Output' scripts are executed both when the report is previewed and when it is printed. These scripts may contain print layout definitions.
The 'Code after' script in the Scripts group box is not executed when you show a preview. All other choices you make in the Output field will result in the script being executed.
The 'Code after' script in the Status handling group box is not executed when you show a preview. This means that if the Status handling check box is selected and a script is selected in the Code after field underneath it, statuses are updated only when the report is printed, emailed or exported.