If you apply a restriction to a project line, it will take precedence over any relationships with other lines and the project start date. As restrictions enable you to control the standard planning in more detail, they always have higher priority.
The examples below are all based on a project without restrictions:
This will look like this in the Gantt chart:
Now restrictions are applied to demonstrate the impact they have on the planning.
Must start on/Must end on
The restrictions 'Must start on' and 'Must end on' are not affected by relationships or the project start date. The example below shows what happens if you apply these restrictions to the example project.
You apply the following restrictions:
This will look like this in the Gantt chart:
Activity 2 starts on the 17th, which means that it now automatically overlaps with activity 1. Activity 3 has a finish-to-finish relationship with the second activity, but must end earlier. And this is also what happens.
Do not start before / Do not start after / Do not end before / Do not end after
The project is adjusted, as is shown in the examples below:
This will look like this in the Gantt chart:
There will be a waiting time between activity 1 and activity 2. Activity 3 will finish as specified by the restriction; the finish-to-finish relationship with the predecessor has lower priority. This results in a waiting time between activity 3 and the first activity of the subproject, because this activity cannot start before the 27th.