Throughout SFC you can filter lists by the data that are of interest to you. Although some forms have more filters than others, the filtering method is always the same.
Filters are always on the right-hand side of the work area of the screen. The Operations form, for instance, has a department button among the filters along the top.
If a filter image is fully visible, the filter is active. To deactivate the filter, click it. The image is now grayed out, to indicate that the filter is not active. Click the filter again to reactivate it. |
To filter on a department, for instance, but not on the department initially displayed on your screen, hold the image for a few seconds. A list with departments now appears, from which you can choose another department. The same method is used for the other filters, except for the filter that enables you to filter the data on your own name. The reason is that you cannot filter the data on other employees. |
If a form has filters that are not active, you will see this icon. If you click and hold it for a few seconds, a list with data (for example, capacity groups) will appear that you can choose from. To use a different value in this filter at a later stage, click and hold it again for a few seconds to display the list again. |
Your own picture is shown along the bottom of the Operations form. Clicking this image will display only those operations that have been assigned to you personally. Click it again to deactivate this filter. |