The surcharges list contains the commercial surcharges you want to apply to the costs calculation for the part. You can choose a surcharge as a fixed sum or as a percentage. The percentage can be calculated on:
The part costs
The operation costs
The equipment costs
The external operation costs
The total of the cost components (parts + operations + equipment + external operations)
If you add a surcharge that has been saved in the Surcharges file, the values of the surcharge are copied to the Surcharge calculation section. The chain icon shows whether you manually entered a different value. If you did, the chain is broken. By clicking the chain to re-establish the link, the value will be read from the Surcharges file again.
These fields are informational and their values cannot be changed. The fields show the sums and percentages registered for the specified surcharge in the Surcharges file. These default values are displayed to enable you to check which values belong to the surcharge specified, even if you manually changed the default values in the Surcharge calculation section.