Split quantity among multiple debtors

Run the Split quantity among multiple debtors process to split the quantity of one cost-plus specification line and to invoice the quantity to multiple debtors. For example: There are 6 pieces of part X, of which debtor A should pay two, and debtor B should pay four.

The original line holds the remainder. The minimum quantity is '0'. Select the Active check box on this line to indicate that the line must be invoiced after having been split. Select the Print check box if you want the line printed on the sales invoice.

The new cost-plus specification lines will be given the creation code 'Split' and the same source code as the original line.

The Source code field is used to sort cost-plus specification lines in a logical manner. Let's assume you run a process to assign the cost-plus specification lines underlying a sales line to a different debtor. As a result of the process being run, 100 new lines are created. For both the original lines and the new lines, you want to see which lines are related. Lines 1 and 101 are both based on the same actual costing line(s), and will therefore be given the same source code. They might have the same part, but different debtors. Lines 2 and 102 are related, lines 3 and 103 are related, etcetera. By sorting on source code, you will always see the related lines grouped together, which gives you a convenient overview and makes it easier for you to make changes.

This process can be run only if the following conditions are true:

When adding new lines, the price will be determined after a price customer and a quantity have been entered. The pricing process takes into account the cost-plus invoicing type specified on the sales line on the Invoicing tab. The method of determining the commercial price of parts to be used for cost-plus specification is specified on the Actual cost processing tab of the Cost-plus invoicing types form:


Three items with a total sum of $ 75 are divided among two new debtors. The cost-plus specification line is split into two new lines:

1 item of $ 25 minus a 5% discount

= $ 23.75 to the debtor and price customer BE005

2 items of $ 25

= $ 50 to the debtor and price customer DL018

In total, a sum of $ 73.75 will be invoiced. This is less than the original $ 75, because of the discount found in the price search path for price customer BE005.

Also see Cost-plus invoicing.