Purchase quantity, Purchase sum
These fields show the number of parts added to a purchase order under this contract, and the sum involved.
These fields show the following information:
If this informational check box is selected, a purchase contract applies to the part. Clear this check box if the part will no longer be a contract part once the current purchase contract has expired (the contract will not be renewed). This does not affect the purchase requirements still covered by the current contract. After all, the Parts form still shows that a purchase contract can apply to the part.
Use this informational field to enter the estimated annual usage of the part. The value of this field is automatically copied from the Parts form (Purchase contract tab). You can change this default value, however, for individual purchase contracts.
Use this informational field to specify the default quantity to be used in a purchase contract. The value of this field is automatically copied from the Parts form (Purchase contract tab). You can change this default value, however, for individual purchase contracts. If you change the contract quantity on the purchase contract, you need to make the same change to the Parts form.
Use this informational field to specify the minimum quantity to be used in a purchase contract. The value of this field is automatically copied from the Parts form (Purchase contract tab). You can change this default value, however, for individual purchase contracts.
Use this informational field to register the expected delivery time for the parts in a contract.