SelectIsahItem Method

Method Method SelectIsahItem(ArrayOfTableId: Variant, var TableId: integer, var PrimKey: string): boolean


Function for selecting an item from Isah (Form F1210). All available items can be selected from this one form. To create new items, the form of the item must be opened with the Go to function first. The available item selection depends on the ArrayOfTableId parameter.

ArrayOfTableId: variant

List of TableIds from which the user can choose. The list must be an array or integer (Delphi example: VarArrayCreate ([0, 3], varInteger), VB Example: Dim lTableIds (4) As Integer). If the list is filled, then all the items that are valid in the selection form are displayed and selectable. If this parameter is not specified, then ALL items that are selectable are displayed.

The order of items in the array also determines the order of the items in the tree structure (except for the child items).

Var TableId: integer

Table id; this parameter is used as an input and output parameter. The user rights determine what TableIds are available to the user.

Var PrimKey: string

Key value of the selected item. This parameter is used as an input and output parameter.

Result: boolean

Indicates whether the selection of a line is successful (= TRUE) or not (= FALSE). TableId and PrimKey only have a valid value when the result = TRUE.