Check Your Script Engine Version

Isah scripting uses Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting. Which features of VBScript you can use in combination with Isah VBScripting depends on your installed version of the Microsoft scripting engine and the Isah Type Library version.

To check which version of the Microsoft Script Engine is installed, run the following script:

sub main

msgbox GetScriptEngineInfo

end sub

Function GetScriptEngineInfo

Dim s

s = "" 'Build string with necessary info.

s = ScriptEngine & " Version "

s = s & ScriptEngineMajorVersion & "."

s = s & ScriptEngineMinorVersion & "."

s = s & ScriptEngineBuildVersion

GetScriptEngineInfo = s 'Return the results.

End Function

To check which version of the Isah Type Library is installed, run the following script:

MsgBox MajorVerIsahERP & "." & MinorVerIsahERP