Edit Form With Visual Components Code Snippet

Sub Main

Set frmEditForm = IsahObjects.Get("EditFormObject")

frmEditForm.Loading = true

frmEditForm.GridSQL = "Execute SIP_Sel_ScriptExampleRS"

frmEditForm.KeyField = "CountryCode"

frmEditForm.Tablename = "ScriptExample"'SIP_ins , SIP_upd and SIP_del stored procedures are required!

frmEditForm.FormTitle = "Editform with components"

frmEditForm.GridEditAllowed = True

frmEditForm.EditInGrid = True

frmEditForm.PrimaryKey = "CountryCode"

frmEditForm.Loading = false

Call InitializeComponents(frmEditForm)


Set frmEditForm = nothing

End Sub

Sub InitializeComponents(Sender)

Set grpbxCountry = IsahObjects.Get("TGroupBox")

With grpbxCountry

.Parent = frmEditForm.DefaultParent

.Name = "grpbxCountry"

.Left = 8

.Top = 8

.Width = 760

.Height = 68

.Caption = "Country"

.TabOrder = 0


End With

Set lblCode = IsahObjects.Get("TLabel")

With lblCode

.Parent = grpbxCountry

.Name = "lblCode"

.Left = 8

.Top = 20

.Width = 25

.Height = 13

.Caption = "Code"


End With

End Sub