Left, Top, Width, Height Property

Property Property Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer (R/W)


Sets the coordinates of the control for which this property has been set.


This property is common to all TForm controls.


Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the left edge of a component relative to its parent in pixels. Use the Left property to determine where the left side of the control begins or to reposition the left side of the control. If the control is contained in another control, the Left and Top properties are relative to the parent control. If the control is contained directly by the form, the property values are relative to the form. For forms, the value of the Left property is relative to the screen in pixels.


Specifies the Y coordinate of the top left corner of a control, relative to its parent in pixels. Use Top to locate the top of the control or reposition the control to a different Y coordinate. The Top property, like the Left property, is the position of the control relative to its container. Thus, if a control is contained in a TPanel, the Left and Top properties are relative to the panel. If the control is contained directly by the form, it is relative to the form. For forms, the value of the Top property is relative to the screen in pixels.


Specifies the horizontal size of the control or form in pixels. Use the Width property to read or change the width of the control.


Specifies the vertical size of the control in pixels. Use the Height property to read or change the height of the control.