TMonthCalendar Control



Provides a stand-alone calendar in which a user can select a date or range of dates.


Use TMonthCalendar to allow a user to specify a date or range of dates using a standard calendar user interface. TMonthCalendar displays dates according to the system locale.

TMonthCalendar Properties

Property Property Date: TDateTime (R/W)

Indicates the date that is marked on the calendar. Use Date to get or set the date that is marked on the calendar. The value of Date must lie within the range specified by the MaxDate and MinDate properties. You can also set the marked date with the DateTime property.

Property Property EndDate: TDateTime (R/W)

Indicates the last date that in the range of selected dates. Use EndDate to get or set the last selected date that is marked on the calendar. The first selected date is given by the Date property. Before you can set the EndDate property, you must set the MultiSelect property to true.

Property Property FirstDayOfWeek: Enumerated (R/W)

Specifies the left-most day on the calendar. Use FirstDayOfWeek to get or set the left-most day on the calendar. To make the left-most day adjust for the locale, set FirstDayOfWeek to dowLocaleDefault.

Property Property MaxDate: TDateTime (R/W)

Indicates the maximum date to which users can scroll the calendar. Use MaxDate to get or set the maximum date to which users can scroll the calendar. The values of the Date and EndDate properties cannot exceed MaxDate.

Property Property MinDate: TDateTime (R/W)

Indicates the minimum date that can be selected. Use MinDate to get or set the minimum date that can be selected.

Property Property ShowToday: Boolean (R/W)

Specifies whether today's date is shown below the calendar. Use ShowToday to specify whether today's date (according to the system clock) is shown below the calendar.

Property Property ShowTodayCircle: Boolean (R/W)

Specifies whether today's date is circled on the calendar. Use ShowTodayCircle to specify whether today's date (according to the system clock) is circled on the calendar.

Property Property WeekNumbers: Boolean (R/W)

Specifies whether week numbers are shown to the left of the calendar. Use WeekNumbers to indicate whether week numbers are shown to the left of the calendar. The week numbers correspond to the number of the week in the current year.