SelectedRows Property

Property Property SelectedRows: Bookmark collection (R)


Specifies a set of bookmarks for all the records in the dataset that correspond to rows selected in the grid.

Use this property in combination with the DataSet properties DisableControls, EnableControls and BookMark to implement a multiselectable grid.

Note: A multiselectable grid can only be implemented if the properties Footer, ColumnSorting and GroupByBox are all set to false.

Code Snippet

rem Multiselect can only be activated if idbgridPart.ColumnSorting = false,

remidbgridPart.Footer = false, idbgridPart.groupbybox = false

rem It is not possible so set these properties during runtime and preserve the

rem multiselected records.

Dim cMultiSelectString

Dim i

MsgBox "Selected row(s): " & idbgridPart.SelectedRows.Count


For i = 0 to (idbgridPart.SelectedRows.Count -1)

dsPart.DataSet.BookMark = idbgridPart.SelectedRows.Items(i)

msgbox dsPart.DataSet.Fields(0).Value

