TFont Object



TFont encapsulates a system font.


TFont describes font characteristics used when displaying text. TFont defines a set of characters by specifying the height, font family (typeface), attributes (such as bold or italic) and so on.

TFont Properties

Property Property Color: Tcolor (R/W)

Specifies the color of the text. Use Color to specify the color of the text characters (as opposed to the background color). If Color is set to a dithered color, the text appears in the closest non-dithered value.

Property Property Name: String (R/W)

Identifies the typeface of the font. Use Name to specify the typeface of the font. If the font family described by Name includes multiple character sets, be sure to set the Charset property as well.

Note: If the combination of font family (typeface) and attributes (such as bold or italic) specifies a font that is not available on the system, the system substitutes a different font.

Property Property Size: Integer (R/W)

Specifies the height of the font in points. Use Size to specify the point size of the font. If the value is negative, the internal leading that appears at the top of each line of text is included. If the value is positive, Size represents the height of the characters but not the internal leading.

Property Property Style: Set (R/W)

Determines whether the font is normal, italic, underlined, bold, and so on. Use Style to add special characteristics to characters that use the font. Style is a set containing zero or more values from the following:




The font is boldfaced.


The font is italicized.


The font is underlined.


The font is displayed with a horizontal line through it.