Run the Create liquidity forecast process to create up-to-date periodic or single liquidity forecasts. The results of the process are displayed on the Liquidity forecast form. You can view and, where necessary, change the data on this form. If required, you can manually add liquidity lines to display other expenses or revenues.
Tip: Isah comes with an example script that you can use to edit the liquidity forecast. To run the script, open the Liquidity forecast form, and from the Edit menu, choose Edit liquidity data. The form displayed allows you to perform various actions, including deleting old data. The script can be modified as required. It is available on the Scripts form: I0069 'Edit liquidity forecast'.
By selecting this check box, liquidity data will be retrieved from the financial application. The old data about outstanding accounts payable and receivable will be overwritten by the current data.
By selecting this check box, liquidity data will be retrieved from the financial application. The old data about current periodic invoices, sales orders and purchase orders will be overwritten by the current data. In the Options section on the Create liquidity data form, specify which data are to be included in this process.
If this check box is selected, the VAT will be listed separately in the liquidity forecast. The due dates are determined based on the settings on the Liquidity forecast tab of the Financial form.