Updating the AutoCAD Integration Software

If applicable, update the AutoCAD Integration Software:

  1. Use Windows Explorer to open the following directory on your network: \IsahSetup_[RELEASENO]_EngineeringLink\[UPDATEPACKNO]_[VERSIONNO]\.
  2. Double-click the IsahEngAutoCAD_x64.msi file.
  3. Follow the directions on your screen to carry out the installation process.
  4. You can now start AutoCAD.
  5. To load the 'Isah Engineering' menu use the CUI command and load the IPDMAcLink.cuix file in AutoCAD.
  6. In AutoCAD you can add the AutoCAD Integration installation folder to the trusted locations to prevent a Security Concern message when loading the integration. Use the OPTIONS command to add a trusted location folder.