Production files
Production operations
Operations planning board
Adding new lines to the Gantt chart

Changing fields in the Gantt chart

Setting the timescale
You can choose the time scale by selecting a scale on the task bar, or by using the and icons to zoom in or out. The time scale can be selected from the list box. Display settings for the calendar, such as the formatting and the column width, can be configured for individual scales. Any changes to those settings are automatically stored for the scale you are editing.




Printing the Gantt chart
Use the icon to print the Gantt chart. To include headers or footers, select View menu, Gantt chart settings, Properties, Headers and footers tab to set the options of your choice.




Showing line at the left
To display a project line in the Gantt chart, select the line in the project tree. Use the icon to position the selected line with the start date on the left-hand side of the Gantt chart.
This function is also available for production files and operations. For production files and operations, however, lines are positioned automatically. Projects are not positioned automatically, because in large projects with many relationships it is difficult to follow relationships. For production files and operations, it is usually not that important to follow relationships.




Setting first date shown
Use the date field to set the first date shown in the Gantt chart. The Gantt chart displays project lines as from that date.




Moving, extending or shortening bars
To change the start and/or end date of a project line, you can move, extend or shorten bars in the Gantt chart.
Bars can be moved to an earlier or later time in the diagram.
In the Gantt chart, bars can be extended or shortened. The only way you can do this is by moving the end date to an earlier or later date. The start date cannot be changed in the Gantt chart.
For project lines, the plan type must be 'Estimated'. For project lines with underlying lines or with linked orders, a summary is displayed of the underlying or linked data. To make a change, you need to change the underlying line or linked order.




Changing Gantt chart properties
Right-click to change the properties of the Gantt chart. The settings of the Matrix tab on the Gantt chart properties form apply to all time scales. The settings on the other tabs apply to individual scales. In the Date format field, choose how you want the dates to be displayed.
Date format
Use the Date format field for the timescale selected in the Gantt chart to specify how to display the date in the Gantt chart. You can specify your preferences for the main scale and the subscale. If, for example, you select the timescale 'Week / Day', you would set the date format for the weeks for the main scale, and then set the date format for the days for the subscale. You can use parameters to fill in certain values automatically, and you can use free text.
Year with two positions: 12, 13, etcetera.
Year with four positions: 2012, 2013, etcetera.
Month number: 1, 2, etcetera.
Month number with leading zero to fill two positions: 08, 09, 10, etcetera
Month name with three characters: Jan, Feb, etcetera.
Full month name: January, February, etcetera.
Week number: 1,2, etcetera
Week number with leading zero to fill two positions: 08, 09, 10, etcetera
Day number: 1, 2, etcetera.
Day number with leading zero to fill two positions: 08, 09, 10, etcetera
Day name with two characters: Mo, Tu, etcetera.
Full day name: Monday, Tuesday, etcetera.
First letter of the day in lowercase: m, t, etcetera.
First letter of the day in uppercase: M, T, etcetera.
Free text
You can add text to the main scale or subscale in the Gantt chart, and you can combine text using the parameters. To make the text easier to read, you can add punctuation marks such as dashes and brackets. Enclose text between single quotes.
In the Gantt chart, the timescale 'Week / Day' has been selected. Below you will see how the values in the Date format field of the main scale and the subscale are displayed in the Gantt chart.
Main scale
Date format field
Display in Gantt chart
'week' x (mmm yyyy)
week 1 (Jan 2013)
Date format field
Display in Gantt chart
'week' x (d - m)
week 1 (4 - 1)
To restore the settings or properties of the Gantt chart or projects to their defaults, use the Reset Gantt settings and properties process.




Modifying data from within the Gantt chart
Line data can be changed directly from within the Gantt chart.




Expanding and collapsing lines
You can expand or collapse every individual line with underlying levels, or you can expand and collapse multiple lines at the same time. Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons to open or close the lines and their underlying lines.



Showing lines side-by-side, collapsed
When a project or production file has been expanded, the different lines are shown underneath each other. When a line has been collapsed, only the information of the actual line itself is shown. To display the lines side by side, click the icon. This allows you to view an entire project with subprojects, or to see an entire production file tree at detail level. This view is particularly useful for consecutive lines, as overlapping lines are superimposed, which makes it more difficult to see the information you need.



Showing successor relationships
Use the icon to show or hide relationships with successors in the Gantt chart.




Creating successor relationships
You can create successors by dragging a predecessor to a successor in the Gantt chart. The place from which you drag the item and the place where you drop the item together determine the relationship type:
- Finish-to-start relationship – Drag the second half and drop it on the first half.
- Finish-to-finish relationship (only for projects) – Drag the second half and drop it on the second half.
- Start-to-start relationship (only for projects) – Drag the first half and drop it on the first half.
It is not possible to drag an item from the first half and drop it on the second half. To undo successor relationships, repeat the linking operation.



Increasing or decreasing levels
Use the icons to move a project line up or down in the project tree.
Click the icon to move the selected project line down one level. This will make the project line part of the line above the selected line. This change is also applied to the Component of field on the General tab. To make the line part of a line other than the line above it, you need to enter the parent line in the Component of field on the List tab or the General tab.
Click the icon to move the selected project line up one level, so that the selected line will become part of the first project line above it that is one level above the selected line. This change is also applied to the Component of field on the General tab. To make the line part of a line other than the line above it, you need to enter the parent line in the Component of field on the List tab or the General tab.
