Printing reports

Isah comes with a large number of standard reports. Reports allow you to create lists of all customers in a particular line of business, lists of invoices, lists of production sheets, and much more. Reports are available in the Reports and scripts folder in various modules. It is possible to add reports to form menus.

You can customize existing reports or create your own company-specific reports, or you can have reports customized or created for you.

Printing reports

When you open a report, the report selection dialog appears, allowing you to specify the sorting method and selection to be applied to the report. The sorting and selection options in the selection dialog box vary by report. In addition, you can specify a printer, or an export or mail destination for the report.


Sorting: This field shows the sorting options available for the report. The Customers report, for instance, can be sorted by Customer, Customer alias, Debtor, or Customer group. The default sorting option is copied from the Sorting line field on the Reports form.

Selection: The selection options displayed depend on the sorting method you choose. For example, if you choose to sort by 'Customers', you can specify the selection of customers you want to be displayed in the report.

Output: This field shows the output options available for the report. You can choose from Print preview, Email, Export, Adobe PDF, or one of the printers linked to your user code on the Printer user registrationform. Depending on the selected output format, an additional tab is available for you to enter supplemental data. If you choose 'Print preview' as the output format, for instance, you can choose to print, export or email the report from the Print preview form.

Note: The Output field only contains printers correctly defined in Isah. The default printer is the preferred printer for the user/report combination involved. This preferred printer is determined based on the following search path:

  1. First the user code of the user opening the report is established.
  2. The software identifies the printer type linked to the report on the Reports form.
  3. The software checks whether the user code/printer type combination exists on the Printer user registration form. If a line has been created for this combination, the default printer specified for this user code/printer type combination is used as the preferred printer.
  4. If no user code/printer type combination is found on the 'Printer user registration' form, the 'Print Preview' output format will be used by default.

The printer you select in this field can only be used if it is installed locally. You can check this on the workstation in the Windows printer settings.