In some cases, you may want to change the destination of a purchase line, for example:
If you had ordered a part for production file A, but production file B is given higher priority. You want to use the part for production file B, and then order the same part for production file A later. This is a scenario where you would change the destination of the purchase line.
You have ordered a long lead-time item. This situation may occur if you are using engineering and you have to order a long lead-time item before the finished product is completed in engineering. Once the engineering data have been synchronized to production, the part corresponding to the long lead-time item is created in the production structure. You move the long lead-time item from the original production file (which was only created in order to order the long lead-time item) to the target production file in which the item will be used.
The Change purchase line destination process has the following effect:
The purchase line is given a different destination within the same or a different sales order.
All details relating to the original part calculation line, such as messages, are transferred to the new destination if you move the entire quantity from the purchase line at once.
By enabling the Create new part calculation line check box, a new part calculation line is created in the final production file that is the new destination.
The costs posted to the original destination will be corrected and transferred to the new destination. Once the purchase invoice has been processed, for example, costs will be posted to the original part calculation line. If the destination was changed, a contra entry is made for the costs on the original part calculation line. The costs are then transferred to the final part calculation line. The contributions and ledger accounts will be redetermined using the search path, because they may be different from the contributions and ledger accounts of the original part calculation line. Any general journal entries will be associated with the original part calculation line.
In the Quantity to move field, enter the part of the purchase line for which you want to change the destination. The Change purchase line destination process results in the following:
A new purchase line with the quantity specified is created. The details from the original purchase line are copied.
The quantity on the original purchase line is reduced by the quantity specified.
On the original purchase line, the Modified field is enabled, to indicate the purchase line was changed. Use the informational Compare current and original form for the purchase line to view the differences between the individual purchase lines.
The new purchase line on the Specification tab shows the original purchase line.
You can only assign a new destination to part of the purchase line if no receipts or invoices have been processed yet.
Otherwise, the conditions for the Change purchase line destination process will apply.
For a particular sales order, a total of 10 bearings are required, but at the time of purchase it is not known where in the finished product the bearings will be used. At a later stage, it does become known where some of the bearings will be used. The planner runs the Change purchase line destination to assign two of the ten pieces a new destination: production file P00011. In the Quantity to move field, he enters '2'. The quantity on the original purchase line will become 10-2=8 pieces. Later he wants to assign another two pieces a new destination, and he starts the process again from the original purchase line.
The planner runs the process one more time to link the remaining six bearings to another production file. No new purchase line is created, but the original purchase line is assigned a new destination. All bearings have now been distributed over the final product structure. A total of three purchase lines exist: the original line and the two new lines. The new lines refer to the original purchase line, so that afterwards you can see how the items on the purchase line were distributed.
No issues have been made from the purchase line yet.
The production status of the target production file is of type 'Order' or 'Actual costing'.
The part calculation line of the target production file has been authorized.
The part calculation line of the target production file has a 'Purchase' origin.
No purchase requirement has been created for the part calculation line of the target production file.
The purchase has not yet been finalized for the part calculation line of the target production file (on the part calculation line, the Complete field for the Purchase item in the 'Origins' section is empty).
No purchase offer is linked to the part calculation line of the target production file.
After the process has executed, you will be notified of the result. Depending on whether the conditions are true, you will receive the following notification:
If all conditions are true, you will be notified that the destination has changed. The original production file is no longer the destination of the purchase line; the target production file is now its destination.
If you are notified that the destination could not be changed, the original production file is still the destination of the purchase line.
Whenever one or more conditions are not true, you can click a button to retrieve the corresponding messages.