The Safety net accounts form (General Settings module, Ledger settings folder) has three types of fields:
The following ledger accounts are used without a search path check having been performed, and are always selected if a posting of their type is made:
The following ledger accounts indicate whether or not a particular type of posting is to be used:
If you fill in the Discount turnover account, discounts will be journalized separately. If you do not fill in this account, discounts will be posted to the turnover. Note: If you have filled in the Provisional turnover WIP account as well as the Discount account, the discount is not journalized separately. The turnover, including discount, will first be posted to the provisional turnover account, and when it is transferred out of the provisional turnover account, the discount will not be posted separately. |
To post work in progress, enter the work in progress accounts. The relevant search path will be checked to select the appropriate work in progress accounts for WIP postings. The postings will therefore only be made to the WIP accounts entered here if no other accounts are found in the search path.
If you do not fill in the WIP accounts, no work in progress is posted. The costs and turnover will be posted straight to the costs and turnover accounts, again selected via the search path for turnover and costs postings.
Note: If you do not enter any WIP accounts, you need to set the Transfer work in progress from stock order field in the General Settings module (Settings, Financial, General tab), to 'Using Actual Costing module', in order to ensure a correct posting procedure.
All other ledger accounts on the form will be used for postings only if the search path does not return any other ledger account for the posting concerned.