In the Rights folder of the General Settings module, you can add users, set passwords, define user groups, assign rights, and more.
Rights and permissions
You can grant users or user groups rights to use particular forms, tabs, processes, modules, presets, and other software items. In addition, you can assign various types of permissions. Permissions determine whether a user may view, change, add, or delete data. Permissions range from 'No permission' (lowest level) to 'Delete' (highest level). Any user permitted to delete data can also automatically view, change and add data, because these actions require lower permission levels.
Rights by user group and by user
By linking a user to one or more user groups, the user will automatically acquire the rights assigned to this user group. You can also assign individual rights to a user. These individual rights overwrite the rights which the user has acquired based on the user groups to which he belongs.
If the user groups of which the user is a member have different rights, the highest permission has precedence. If the user has View rights to a form based on his membership of one group, but has Delete permissions to the same form based on his membership of another group, the Delete permissions will prevail.
Rights by tab
It is also possible to set user rights by tab. The rights level of the form does not have to be at least equal to the highest rights level of one of the tabs. In order to be able to display the form, however, the minimum rights level of the form should be 'View'.
The icons available for editing data on the form depend on the 'highest' rights set for all tabs of the form. If Delete rights have been granted to one of the tabs, the record can be deleted from all visible tabs.
Note: Please take into account the logic of rights levels. When a user has Add rights to a tab, the user should also at least have Add rights to the tabs that may contain mandatory fields. Otherwise, he would not be able to add any records. Therefore, if Add rights have been granted to a form, you are recommended to grant Add rights to all tabs as well. The reason is that a tab may contain mandatory fields that must be filled in during an Add operation. Also, a future version may have mandatory fields on one of the tabs.
In many Isah fields you can click or
to activate a lookup feature. This feature allows you to choose from an underlying file, for example from the Countries form when you are adding a customer's address. This lookup feature is available only if the user has at least View rights to the program used to display the lookup data (in this case, the Countries form).
Procedure for defining rights
To define a rights structure, perform the following steps: