Use the Label editor form to adapt texts in Isah forms to your own needs. Examples are form names, menu items, and button names. The label editor allows you to use your own company-specific terminology in the Isah software.
All texts in Isah are displayed based on an ID number. When you start up Isah, the software checks the language linked to your logon user name. Then, based on the language and the number, the appropriate texts are displayed on the screen.
To adapt text to your own company-specific terminology, look up the number assigned to the field, menu item, or another form component you want to change. You can even vary the text by language code. For example, you can assign different business units their own language code, and use different text for each business unit.
Click the icon on the Label editor form to toggle between the new text and the original text.
Looking up ID numbers
Before you can assign new text to an Isah form component, you need to look up the ID number of the form component. To do so, open the form in question, and then click the icon on the toolbar of the Label editor form. Instead of the texts, the ID numbers of all visible Isah form components are now displayed. Click
again to return to the normal view.
Tip: You can use a script to search for and replace text. To help you write this script, you can use the sample script I0065 'Auto-translate labels' as the starting point. This script is available on the Scripts form.