Settings in Outlook

Once the add-in has been installed, the Isah toolbar will appear in Outlook. Initially, you will only see the 'Log in' button, because you need to log in to Isah in order to use the add-in. Your rights cannot be verified until you have logged in to Isah. Specify your user name, your password and the database you want to add the email to. The 'Settings' button and other controls will now appear.


Open the settings in Outlook by clicking this button on the ribbon below Start.

The settings form has two lists:

Use the left and right arrow keys to show or hide the entities. Reorder entities by moving them up or down. The list of non-visible entities is always sorted alphabetically.

The list of the entities available to you contains only those entities to which you have rights in Isah.

If you have the appropriate rights (program code 100020000: Change Outlook Add-In document properties), also the Other tab is available. This tab enables you to specify a custom default group, type, status and language for the document. The next time you save email messages, the selected messages will be saved with these settings.