The waste percentage is relevant to the calculation of the total quantity required and the total costs of the part line.
If the Show costs including waste check box (part calculation, General tab) is selected, the waste percentage is included in the calculation of the Quantity, Weight, Surface, Variable costs and Total costs fields (see the info bar at the bottom of the screen). If the check box is not selected, the fields will be filled with a value excluding waste.
Example Waste percentage
You need 10 kg of a part as raw material. Experience has shown that you need an additional 20% to eventually be left with a net weight of 10 kg. Your gross requirement will be:
10 kg + 20% of 10 kg = 12 kg
Based on the gross requirement, the waste percentage can be calculated as follows: You are processing 12 kg of a part that results in 20% of waste. Your net quantity will be:
12 kg - 20% of 12 kg = 9.6 kg
The reason why Isah uses the net requirement, is that this is the most practical working method. You will regard the waste percentage as an additional requirement. If you are used to thinking in terms of gross requirements, the waste percentage to be entered in Isah can be calculated. The waste percentage will then be multiplied by 100/(100 - Waste percentage).
If, for example, the waste percentage is calculated as 20% of the gross requirement, fill in the following waste percentage in Isah:
20 * (100/(100-20)) = 20 * 1.25 = 25%.
Waste weight, Waste surface area
These fields are informational fields and cannot be modified. They can be filled in automatically only if a weight and surface have been specified for the part on the General tab in the Parts module.
Net dimensions
Quantity, Length, Width, Height
These fields are informational fields that could be used, for example, by the planner. The planner could use them to register the exact quantities and sizes as specified on the drawing.
If this check box is selected, the part on the calculation line is a special BOM part. Parts with this check box selected could, for instance, all be printed on one report.
Parts that have this check box selected are never marked as 'Added in production' on the Engineering structure and Production structure forms.
Work preparation authorization
If you select this check box, this calculation line will be authorized automatically in the production modules. When the default calculation is copied to a production file, the authorization is also copied.
To have the line checked before it is approved in the production stage, leave this check box empty. The planner will have to authorize the line before it is advanced to the production stage.
Authorizations enable you to perform checks before data can be processed. To skip this check, use this field to authorize the part in advance. This means that the line will always pass the check.
If this check box is selected, the component will be delivered to the customer. This is relevant, for instance, for components of a machine that will be assembled at the customer's site. You can also use it for additional parts that need to be included in the delivery, such as installation items for a machine.
If a calculation was copied (in case of a part with order code 'Copy calculation (phantom)'), you can choose to display both the semi-finished product and the components of the semi-finished product in the calculation. You can also choose to show only the components of the semi-finished product, and therefore only the calculation lines. If you select the Show phantom check box, the calculation will show the semi-finished product, the phantom, and the underlying calculation lines. If you leave this check box empty, you will see the calculation lines, but not the parent semi-finished product (the phantom).
The Show phantom option is available only for parts with order code 'Copy calculation (phantom)'.
These fields can be filled in only if the part will be taken from stock ('In stock' order code). In that case, use the fields to specify the location from which the part must be used (and therefore transferred).
This setting determines how parts from stock are used.
Parts that are recorded in stock first are to be issued first. |
Parts can be issued in a random order. |
You can use this setting to select parts that qualify for backflushing. If parts with this setting are used in production, the preliminary production quantity can be deducted from the stock automatically. Alternatively, you can configure the software to not automatically deduct parts with this setting, but only parts that are not floor stock. |
This setting is automatically used for parts of the 'Costs', 'Services', or 'Functional BOM' type. These parts are not kept in stock and they do not have to appear on documents such as purchase requirements. It is not possible to use the setting for the part types 'Purchase part' and 'Production part'. |
This is an informational field that cannot be modified. The values are retrieved from the Issue sequence field for the part on the Logistics tab in the Parts module.
The backflush warehouse of a part is used as the default warehouse from which the part is backflushed. The backflush warehouse holds the floor stock on the shop floor.
A chain icon is displayed to the right of this field. The chain applies to both the warehouse and the location. The chain can be intact () or broken (
). If the chain is intact, the backflush warehouse and the backflush location of the relevant part must always be the same as those set in the Parts module (Logistics tab). When the default backflush warehouse or the default backflush location is changed in the Parts module, this change will be applied to all calculation lines containing the part in the Parts module for which the chain is intact (
When you break the chain and change the backflush location (for example, in the Parts module), the change will not be applied to this part calculation line.
The backflush location of a part is used as the default warehouse location from which the part is backflushed. The backflush location holds the floor stock on the shop floor.
A chain icon is displayed to the right of this field. The chain applies to both the warehouse and the location. The chain can be intact () or broken (
). If the chain is intact, the backflush warehouse and the backflush location of the relevant part must always be the same as those set in the Parts module (Logistics tab). When the default backflush warehouse or the default backflush location is changed in the Parts module, this change will be applied to all calculation lines containing the part in the Parts module for which the chain is intact (
When you break the chain and change the backflush location (for example, in the Parts module), the change will not be applied to this part calculation line.
If this calculation line is part of the calculation of a phantom part (a semi-finished product for which the product calculation is copied to the calculation), this field shows the line that contains the phantom part. This enables you to see which calculation lines are part of a phantom part.
CAD reference, CAD classification
These informational fields can be used when linking Isah with CAD/PDM software.
This check box is used for the AutoCAD integration. If selected, any text on the memo page of the calculation line is printed on the drawing.