API for machines

SFC allows employees to start not only their own operations, but also operations on machines that do not require any further supervision. These machines will operate unsupervised.

A growing number of machines has software to control the machines and to perform operations automatically. If a machine is also capable of starting the correct machine operation in the SFC service, it will no longer require intervention from an employee. The advantages of this are that the employees are available to do other work, and that the time registration for the machines is always accurate and up to date.

To allow a machine to gain access to the SFC service and to start the correct operation automatically, an API has been developed that allows the machine to access the SFC service, to be authenticated, and then to perform any of the following actions:

Note: This API only gives access to the SFC service and allows the actions to be invoked. Some machines may require additional code to be added to their software to enable the execution of these tasks.