Detection of long lead-time components

You can open the informational Detection of long lead-time components form from a part calculation line for a long lead-time component. From this form, you can start various processes to transfer the long lead-time components to the final production file: The form shows:

Changing the destination

To transfer the long lead-time components to the final production file, select both an origin and a destination, and perform one of the processes.

If the origin is a purchase line:

  1. Select the purchase line from which you want to transfer the parts.
  2. Select the part calculation line in the final production file that is to become the new destination. The status of the production file must be of type 'Order' or 'Actual costing'.
  3. Open the Edit menu and run the Change purchase line destination process.

    By default, the Quantity to move field will be filled with either the available quantity (Quantity at Origins), or the quantity required (Assigned - Quantity at Destinations). The lower value is filled in (as you cannot transfer a greater quantity than the quantity available, and you do not have to transfer a greater quantity than is required).

If the origin is a production file:

  1. Select the production file from which you want to transfer the parts.
  2. Select the part calculation line in the final production file that is to become the new destination.
  3. Open the Edit menu and run the Change production file destination process.