
CRM - Cockpit

The Cockpit contains a summary of customer data, including turnover, sales and service details. Clicking an item (such as objects) in the cockpit will display more details (the objects for this customer). Use the toolbar at the top of the form to change the contract versions and turnover type to be displayed.

Invoiced turnover


Credit information

Relationship Management



CRM - Select service contract version

Use this toolbar option to choose the service contract versions you want to be displayed in the cockpit: only current contracts, current and future contracts, historical contracts, or all contracts.

This setting affects the contents of the Contracts and Outstanding value fields. The contract quantity, the contract sum, the outstanding contract quantity, and the outstanding contract sum are added up for all service contracts that match your chosen setting. If you choose 'Current service contract versions', for example, you will see only the sums and quantities of the current contract versions.

CRM - Select turnover type

Use this option to choose the turnover data you want to be displayed in the cockpit: the final turnover, the period turnover, or both.

This setting affects the contents of the turnover fields. If you choose 'Period turnover', for example, then the sums in the cockpit only relate to period data.

CRM - Add message

Click this icon to add a message. You can add one or more actions to a message.

CRM - Action

Click this icon to add an action. To save the action and add a new action straight away, click this icon again after you have filled in the action details.

CRM - Save

After you save the message and any associated actions by clicking this icon, you will be returned to the cockpit.

Tip: Data with a white background do not have any underlying information. If a line has a different background color, click it to display more information.