Employees and groups

This list shows the users and groups with sufficient permission to access Isah CRM. You can add users or groups by using the Add employees/groups button. Select a user or a group in this overview to adjust their settings or permissions in the Employee/group details column.

Add employees

The Add employees/groups list shows all employees from the Isah Personnel module, sorted by their department. The employees that have a code between brackets behind their name are the people that also have a user name in Isah, meaning they are Isah users. User names are needed to assign rights to both Isah and CRM.

Select the employee you want to add to CRM and click Add employee. If the employee doesn't have a user name yet, you will need to assign them one: click behind their name, type their user name and click Add employee. The added employee disappears from the Add employees/groups list and is added to the Employees and groups overview.

If you added a user name to an employee, this user name is now registered in Isah as well. In Isah and CRM, the added user has gained rights to access and see CRM, but they do not have sufficient permission to work with it yet. To add permissions, select the employee in the Employees and groups and activate the necessary permissions in the Permissions list.

Add groups

To add a new user group, click Add employees/groups. Type a code for the group in the Group code field, add a description and click Add group. The group is not only added to the CRM form now, but also to the User groups form in Isah.

If you want to add an existing department as a user group, select the department. Under Selected employee or department, type a code for the user group. If there are employees registered to this department, you can add these to the user group by activating the Add all users field. Only users with a user name in Isah will be added to the user group. Click Add department; the department name will become the group description.

To add permissions for users in a group, select the group in the Employees and groups list and activate the necessary permissions in the Permissions list.

To add an employee to a group, select the employee in the Employees and groups overview and activate the group you want to add them to under Group memberships. All users will immediately have the permissions that have been assigned to the group.