Messages and actions

CRM - Messages and actions

This form displays the Messages and actions registered for a particular customer in Isah, showing information such as the descriptions and status of these actions. The left-hand column only displays the years and months for which messages or actions exist. Select a month to view the messages and/or actions for that month.


CRM - Messages and actions

Use this toolbar option to display all actions or only non-completed actions.

CRM - Add message

Click this icon to add a message. You can add one or more actions to a message.


CRM - Add message

Add an action to a new message.


CRM - Save

After you have saved the message and any associated actions by clicking this icon, you will be returned to the Messages and actions form.

CRM - Action

This shows the date and description of the action as they appear in Isah.

CRM - Message description

This shows the date, time and description of the message.

CRM - Change

Click this icon to change a message or action. You can only change your own messages and actions.

CRM - Finalize

Finalize an action by placing a check mark next to it. Whether the action is then removed from the list depends on the setting on the toolbar (show 'All actions' or only 'Non-completed actions').

CRM - Documents

Retrieve the documents for this customer.