Use the Change production file destination process to change the destination of a production file. The form shows the following details for the selected production order:
The quantity to be produced and the quantity already produced
The destination assigned to the production file and the quantities delivered, itemized by destination.
For any quantities not yet produced and any quantities already delivered, you can perform various actions, for both the 'Sales' destination and the 'Production' destination:
Create a new destination line
Change the current destination line
Delete the current destination line
Note: If you want to change the 'Production' destination, the target production file may not have a 'History' status.
To specify a new destination for the production file, select a different production file or a different sales order. In case of a 'Sales' destination, select a sales order line and a sales order subline for the same part. In case of a 'Production' destination, select a production file. Then select either an existing calculation line with the same part, or select the Create new calculation line check box to create a new calculation line.
Because it is possible to change the destination of a production file after receipt, you can distribute the quantity delivered among the new destinations by using the Delivered field. This will ensure that the actual costs will be calculated correctly. The total quantity delivered against the lines will always remain the same, and is determined by the registration of production receipts.
The assigned quantity on a destination line can be changed. The total quantity assigned will always be the same: any quantities not assigned to a 'Sales' or 'Production' destination will automatically be assigned a 'Stock' destination.
You can change a destination line as long as no receipts have been processed on it yet (the quantity delivered cannot be greater than '0'). You can delete the part calculation line from the production file at the same time as the destination line. To do so, select the Delete current calculation line check box. The total quantity assigned will always be the same: any quantities not assigned to a 'Sales' or 'Production' destination will automatically be assigned a 'Stock' destination.
If you delete the current 'Production' destination, you can also delete the calculation line for which the file was originally intended. To do so, select the Delete current calculation line check box.
If you choose a new 'Production' destination, you will also be able to create a new calculation line in the file of the destination. To do so, select the Create new calculation line check box.