This is the number of components on which the external operation has to be performed.
External operations can be added by using the External operations button, and by using the Operations button. This is important, because the external operation cannot be scheduled otherwise, as scheduling takes place based on the operation calculation.
This is where you specify which operation line under the Operations button is the external operation. The field links the two registrations of the outsourcing job, so the outsourcing job will now be included in the planning.
Note: The operation to which this external operation is linked must have been defined in the capacity group as an external operation. To do so, select the External operation check box for the relevant capacity group.
If this calculation line is part of the calculation of a phantom part (a semi-finished product for which the product calculation is copied to the calculation), this field shows the line that contains the phantom part. This enables you to see which calculation lines are part of a phantom part.
The supplier in this field is copied to the purchase requirement in the Purchase module. The field value can still be modified here.The supplier will eventually be displayed on the purchase order.
Select this check box if you want to request a purchase offer for the selected part. You can request the purchase offer only after the calculation line has been authorized.
If the Last shipment complete check box is selected on the purchase order line, that setting will also be used for this field.
Once a purchase order has been created for this outsourcing job, this field will display the 'Shipped date' from the purchase order line. This is the planned shipping date; the actual shipping date may be different from this date. For the actual shipping dates, see the Shipped/received tab.
Once a purchase order has been created for this outsourcing job, the relevant purchase order and line number are displayed in these fields.
This check box is selected once the receipt of the parts processed by this outsourcing job has been confirmed as complete. This requires the receipt line to have been confirmed as complete and then processed.
This is the receipt date of the last parts returned by the supplier of the outsourcing job. The date will be filled in if the Complete check box in the Receipts of external operation purchases file is selected and the receipt is then processed.
This is only a scheduled date. You can still use a different date later in the purchasing process.
This is only a scheduled date. You can still use a different date later in the purchasing process.
Once authorization has been given, the outsourcing job can be purchased. This means that the external operation will appear on the purchase requirement as soon as it meets the selections made for the process to create purchase requirements for outsourced operations.