Reason codes allow you to track for each sales line why a particular offer was rejected, or why a particular offer has resulted in an order. When using
offer variants, you could, for instance, record why a particular variant was chosen and the other variants were rejected.
If a customer requests a sales offer for a product, you may be able to offer various variants of the product. Examples are:
- A different model with different functionality and a corresponding preliminary costing and price
- Different batch sizes with corresponding prices
Offer variants enable you to make a customer different offers. You can do so by linking different sales lines within a sales offer to each other. The different offer variants are registered as different sales lines.
You create a sales line of the 'Normal' line type, that will serve as the current sales line. This is the sales line that would be chosen automatically if you are turning the offer into an order. In addition, you will create multiple sales lines of the 'Offer variant' type, which will serve as variants of the first sales line. Once the customer has told you which offer variant he prefers, you will mark the sales line corresponding to this variant as the 'Normal' line type, and you will use this line to create the actual order. To create the actual order, run the Choose offer variant process.
Creating offer variants
Let's assume you have a part 'A', which you can deliver in a green or red version. These parts are variants. You can register these variants in the following manner:
- Open the Sales module, Sales offers form, and create an offer.
- Click the Lines button, and add a sales line for part A, Green.
- Open the Edit menu, and choose Copy to sales line.
- Select the sales line you have just created, and open the Offer variant tab.
- Change the Line type to 'Offer variant'.
- Under Variant of, indicate that it is a variant of Part A, Green.
- In the Description field, enter the text "Red". This field is for internal use and is not printed on standard documents.
- The memo field on the Offer variant tab allows you to enter a comprehensive description of this variant. This information will be printed on the default sales offer.
- Once you have defined multiple variants on a sales line, you can display a list of all existing offer variants. To do so, open the Information menu, and choose Offer variants.
Note: For lines of the 'Offer variant' type, the 'Offer' or 'History' status type is mandatory.
Note: Lines of which the subline is '000' can only be offer variants of lines. Lines of which the subline is not '000' can only be offer variants of sublines.
Tip: To distinguish between sales lines of the 'Normal' type and the 'Offer variant' type in reports, mark the lines themselves as 'Normal' using the Choose offer variant process from the Edit menu. The distinction will be visible, for example, in the Sales offer report, and on the List tab (grouped by line type).
These data can then be used for statistical purposes. You could print lists of sales files, sorted by reason code.