In the Document item options section, select the Isah items to which engineers can link documents. Only the items you select here will be available when engineers use the 'Select' option in the CAD application. If you select just one item, engineers can immediately select the item. For example, if you select 'Part' and 'Engineering item', the engineer must first choose between a part and an engineering item before he can select the required part or engineering item. If you only select 'Part', engineers can immediately select the part.
It is not possible to select both 'Part' and 'Part revision'.
Synchronize model to Isah section
In the Synchronize model to Isah section, enter the times at which the model composition is to be updated in the linked item in Isah. You could, for example, specify that the item is to be updated whenever a document is saved.
If you select the Model-based weight field, the weight of a component is copied to Isah. This process takes into account the unit of weight set in the CAD application.
This functionality is only available for engineering items; for part and production file calculations, the weight is always calculated.
At certain times, a VBA macro can be executed in the CAD link. This enables a customer to add additional functionality. This does require a CAD VBA project file that includes a number of permanent functions. These function names are determined by Isah, and cannot be changed. The name of the VBA project file is freely definable, but the project must contain a module with the name 'IsahEvents' which includes one or more of the following functions:
Custom document properties section
It is possible to create document properties and to fill them with data originating from Isah. You can define these data on the Document property definitions form. In Autodesk Inventor, you can enter properties for the following document types:
In the Update BOM on drawing section, specify at which times a BOM on a drawing is to be updated. At the times you choose, the BOM on the drawing will be updated automatically, to synchronize it with the BOM in Isah. For example, you can set BOM updates to be performed whenever a document has been saved in the CAD application. These moments only apply when an Isah BOM definition is used. If a BOM from the CAD application is used, the CAD application will update the BOM.
Use the setting in the BOM on drawing section to control which BOM is inserted in a drawing when a user selects the 'Insert BOM' function from the Engineering link menu: